Why You Should Code Every Day

Why You Should Code Every Day

No matter how experienced you are as a coder—a rookie or a master—it’s important to code every day to continually improve and maintain your skills. This habit can help you prepare yourself for when opportunities come along in the development industry, whether those opportunities take the shape of an entry-level job or a highly sought after promotion.

At Devmountain, we offer relatively short and intense bootcamp programs in the development industry that promote the daily coding habit. And, here are a few reasons why coding every single day can be beneficial to you, that is, if you want to call yourself a coder.

You Can Build Out Your Portfolio with Projects You’ve Coded

Why You Should Code Every Day

Throughout your career in the world of development, maintaining an active portfolio can set you apart from other developers. And, one simple way to make sure your portfolio remains active and modern is to continually add to it by coding every single day.

Think about it. A decade from now, if you have a robust portfolio with modern projects to showcase, how much better will you look compared to another developer who doesn’t?

You Can Keep Yourself Up-to-Date on New Coding Practices

Why You Should Code Every Day

As with any industry, change happens within the development world—it’s called development for a reason—so it’s important to stay up-to-date on best practices. When you code every single day, even if you only do so for a few minutes, you can look up current trends.

By incorporating learning and practice into your daily life, you can have a better chance of understanding other developers’ projects and your manager’s or client’s needs.

You Can Prepare Yourself for a Future Career in Development

Why You Should Code Every Day

If you’ve never written a line of code in your life, that’s okay. You can start today. And, if you’ve written hundreds of thousands of lines of code already, you can write a new one today, too. Either way, you’ll be preparing yourself for the future.

A career in development isn’t built in a single day—it’s not even built in thirteen weeks—but it can start with a single day and it can be propelled with thirteen weeks.

Where Are You at With Your Coding Skills?

There are a number of ways to learn how to code, from teaching yourself using online tutorials to completing a traditional four-year degree in computer science. You could also take a 13-week, in-person development course at Devmountain in Web Development or iOS Development, where you’d be challenged to code every single day alongside like-minded students.

Recommended Reading

How Long Does It Take to Learn Coding?

How to Get a Junior Web Developer Job in Five Steps

Your Guide to Writing a Web Developer Resume

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